
Professional standards and quality assurance are essential  to creating a successful business. BARR Credit Services does more than talk about the importance of these indicators. Since the inception of our company, we’ve worked hard to anticipate the needs of a growing industry, and we’ve invested both time and money in the programs and organizations that shape the credit industry.

BARR Credit Services invests in the following organizations:

International Association of Commercial Collectors

The International Association of Commercial Collectors, Inc. (IACC) contributes to the growth and profitability of its members by delivering essential educational and professional tools and services in a highly collaborative and participatory environment. Learn more HERE.

What this means for BARR Credit Services:

  • BARR Credit Services is a sustaining IACC member and continued sponsor.
  • BARR executive team members currently sit on the board of the IACC and have previously served as president.
  • BARR executives actively participate in the IACC and are members of its “future leader” group.
  • All BARR collection professionals are IACC certified.

National Association of Credit Management

NACM® was founded in 1896 to promote good laws for sound credit, protect businesses against fraudulent debtors, improve the interchange of credit information, develop better credit practices and methods, and establish a code of ethics.

Education and research programs illustrate NACM’s awareness of the complex needs of credit management today. Membership in an NACM-affiliated credit association includes membership in the National Association. Members of NACM® are credit and financial executives, primarily representing manufacturers, wholesalers, financial institutions and varied service organizations. Learn more HERE.

Commercial Law League of America

The Commercial Law League of America (CLLA) is a respected organization of attorneys and other experts in credit and finance actively engaged in the field of commercial law, bankruptcy and insolvency. Since 1895, the CLLA has been associated with the representation of creditor interests, while at the same time seeking fair, equitable and efficient administration of bankruptcy cases for all parties in interest.

CLLA Core Purpose:

To be the leader in providing legal, educational and professional services to the business and credit communities

Learn more HERE.

What this means for BARR Credit Services:

  • BARR is a CLLA-certified debt recovery firm and member. (The CLLA provides licensing and assurance of ethical standards.)
  • CLLA is endorsed by the IACC.
  • A BARR team member currently serves on the Board for the CLLA western region and their Board of Governors.

The Credit Research Foundation

Incorporated in 1949, the Credit Research Foundation is an independent non-profit, consisting of a dynamic community of like-minded senior/executive business professionals with a vested interest in maintaining a competitive advantage in the disciplines and processes related to credit and accounts receivable management.

CRF is widely recognized as the foremost educational and research organization dedicated to the credit, accounts receivable and financial management community. The foundation provides access to education, research, best practices and dynamic solution sets through multiple distribution channels. Learn more HERE.

Sports Industry Credit Association

The Sports Industry Credit Association was founded in 1980 by sporting goods, ski and outdoor manufacturers and importers. The concept for this not-for-profit organization was born from the need to assemble a network of like suppliers that would work together in exchanging credit information and would also intervene on their behalf in the face of unforeseen difficulties, bankruptcies and retailer re-organization, so that the sport/ski/outdoor industry would have a common voice to deal with insolvency and credit issues in the sporting goods industry. Learn more HERE.

Snowsports Industries America

Founded in 1954, SIA is a non-profit trade association with the focus to represent and inform the suppliers of the consumer snowsports industry. SIA serves its members by providing them with the most up-to-date research knowledge within the industry, educating them on the dynamic nature of the market, and encouraging active participation within the snowsports industry. Learn more HERE.